blogtoberfest 2011

Day 1 of blogtoberfest 2011

I'm joining in on "Blogtoberfest 2011" over at {tinniegirl} and taking on the challenge to post daily for October! Yikes!!! I thought it might be a really great way to get back my creative spark, motivation and have a bit of fun at the same time!

I'm looking forward to posting about lots of different things.. crafty and not so crafty! I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it but I'm going to give it a whirl!
There are loads more bloggers joining in too, so it should be fun :)


  1. Oh, good luck! I've done daily posting for a month a few times (on my previous blog) and it's invigorating and challenging in a good way! I don't think I could do it right now though... looking forward to reading what you have to say!

  2. I was just looking at doing this myself..but just not sure if I'm up for it. Well done on committing! I look forward to seeing your daily posts x

  3. It's a great idea and I'm sure you can pull if off - looking forward to seeing what you post :)

  4. That's exactly my aim for October as well. Fun that somebody came up with a challenge for that one :) I think your going to do great! I also have lots of posts lined up, so we'll see if a make it!

    I'm looking forward to your upcoming posts this month!!

  5. I love blogtoberfest! It's great fun! Good luck for the month!


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