this week...

I have been busy enjoying doing other things...

I read this book.. a great book! I haven't read a book in ages... just haven't had the time! I love getting lost in a good book :) but I'm always really sad when it ends :(

drooled over this book I got for christmas: I just LOVE the illustrations and it's a cook book too! Daniella has such an inspiring story about her book too, read about it here :)

:: my abuela's table - daniella germain

:: my abuela's table - a look inside

made yummy things from this book: It's got some delicious summer salad recipes! Love bills recipes they are really easy to do and follow!

:: bill granger - open kitchen

painted a cute little card and made some heart ginger biscuits - with some help - for our 10 year anniversary! Can't believe it... it only feels like yesterday when me and my man had our first date... time flies when you're having fun :)

:: helping... eating the icing!!!

went to this wonderful exhibition at the MCA: recorders by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer
It is totally interactive where you make the exhibition...literally!  It's a must do if you are in Sydney and it's free! We had so much fun! I think we will have to go back again... LOVED it!

:: pulse index - my finger with M = my little man

:: people on people - me and my little man

not much crafting happening around here... it's nice to have a break and do other things! I'm sure I will back into it all again soon... I'm starting feel that itch to create!

Hope you are having a great week and doing lots of fun too :)


  1. Looks like your having a good time even though not crafting! The books look wonderful (what's the cookbook in the middle called?) I have plans to read the Help because I've heard so many good things about it!

  2. Thanks Halina - it's some pages from my abuela's table... I have up dated the photo :)

  3. fun!
    happy anniversary! our 10 years since the first date was the 5th of jan!
    feels good :)

  4. It's holiday time - relax and keep on enjoying :)

    And congratulations on your anniversary, an occasion that we should ALL be celebrating as it was OUR lucky day when you joined our family xx

  5. Lovely collection! Many a book (and magazine) I've parted money with for just one page of pretty illos.

    Congrats on the anni! My & my fella celebrated our 26th this week. Gawd I feel old now...

    Here's to many many more!

  6. Your mother-in-law is so sweet.

    It's good to recharge doing other things, isn't it? You get to come back refreshed and inspired!

  7. Looks pretty great. And happy anniversary!

  8. looks like you've been having a nice time! oh, i want to see that movie (i wonder how close it is to the book) :)

  9. Thanks everyone Must have been something in the air 10 years ago there seems to be a lot of romantic celebrating going on :)

    Norma - I'm definately the lucky one xxx :)


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