my creative space: doing, dabbling & pottering

I'm a bit late his week due to a little lack of creative motivation! It does happen to me sometimes and I don't like it at all when it does! But I have been dabbling in a few creative things this week trying to reignite the creative flame...

:: screen printing lots of fuchsia

:: screen printing with silver ink on blue... love it!

:: making handmade labels using stamps and uni posca pen

:: making fimo beads... hope the idea I have in my head works out!

So you see I have been doing, dabbling and pottering around but just in slow mo! I tell myself that I should just enjoy this slow phase because I know it's going to be one busy and crazy year!

Hope your week has been a creative one... Check out lots of creative people here! :)


  1. tis nice to go slow and potter...lovely colours and shapes x

  2. beautiful fuschia!! looks stunning. Doris

  3. I love the stamped tags--so fantastic! You need to MAKE things so you can USE the tags. That's your motivation. ;) (I'm one to speak. I spent the entire last year in a creative slump.)


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